
Interview at the Fire Drill Podcast

Their podcast is certainly one to watch. They've really taken off with massive download numbers so I was extremely humbled to be asked on as a guest. We go over my background, the similarities between physical and financial health, and how I save 70% of my income. On a non-financial not we discuss how charity fits into my budget. If you ever have a calling to give but don't know where, I urge you to check out Ciudad De Angeles Orphanage

You can take a listen to my episode here: Interview with The Fire Drill Podcast

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Podcast interview with 2 Frugal Dudes

The frugal dudes are sharing their past mistakes and breakthrough moments with fellow "cashmates" in this never ending school of personal finance, so you can learn the shortcuts that apply to your unique situation. 

I had a fantastic time so go out and listen as we discuss investing, groceries, and... Cattle?? Yes even cattle. 

Take a listen here: Saving-Sherpa chats with 2 Frugal Dudes


Let's Go Streaking: But Please No Nudity

My good friends over at The-Military-Guide were gracious enough to let me become a guest contributor there for the first time. This post focuses on what you can expect from a psychological and social viewpoint where I use the analogy of people stripping off and streaking across sporting event. They have tons of other great content as well. 


How To Turn Your Next Move Into A 20% Raise

Back for my second feature at The-Military-Guide. This time I'm discussing how where you decide to move could increase your income over 20%. This post is from a military point of view but I think everyone could take something away from this article. The main aspect is  understanding the idea of Effective Income where you take your potential new income and subtract any expenses that are location based such as housing, daycare, memberships, etc. This will allow you to view the decision of moving in an objective way and remove the fear of moving to an "expensive" city. 



Saving and Investing while young with Justin Taylor

My friend Jacob over aka The Financial Ginger was kind enough to let me to make my first podcast guest appearance. It is a basic overview of my background and philosophy. I won't lie and say I was the best guest but I learned a lot and hope you enjoy the podcast. Happy Listening

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